you, me and the rest of us: #Newyorkstories
Crowds of strangers.
A city of dreams.
The mixed bag of excitement, joy, and tragedy that is New York City works as the backdrop for 14 personal stories about what it’s like to live in the city of dreams.
A woman attends a speed dating event looking for love, though only expecting a good drink... two addicts enter a world of wealth that forces them to think about what really drives… a widow relives her life with her husband before he ran into two falling buildings to save others. Set against busy streets and historic neighborhoods the lives of New Yorkers are filled with ambition, longing, or sometimes just the fun of exploration. With introspective wonder and wit, You, Me and The Rest of Us explore these small adventures through the five boroughs with truly unique characters and settings that give a glimpse of what it’s like living in a #NewYorkStory.